Puzzle Vital Stats
Pieces : 1500
Time taken to complete : around 1.5 months
The dog reminded us of a pet dog Jimmy, one of our grandmothers had had. It was a great dog to play with and have around. The dog had died few years before we got this puzzle...
This picture was hanging in our room till few days back, before we decided to replace it with another puzzle.
How did we go about solving puzzles...
1. We needed to observe the picture to know what kind of colors and obejects it has, just to get a hang of it.
2. We needed to organise the pieces to get started with it. First we divide all pieces into border pieces and other pieces. When we put the border pieces together we create a reference and a boundery with which it becomes easier to progress.
3. Still there were a lot of pieces with 3-4 shapes, many different colors and shades of them. So we divide them by colors and further by shapes.
4. It required quite a lot of concentration so that you can look at the picture and know where a piece may fit.
Harshad is quite good at fitting pieces at right places by comparing the picture on the box with the puzzle picture completed. I however, can not fit pieces like that very easily, but I am good at observing shapes and colors of pieces and fit them together. I generally dont fail with this and everyone else sometimes get annoyed, because they keep observing the pictures and meanwhile I fit the pieces :P
How do you stick the Jigsaw peices together before framing it?
ReplyDeleteFor puzzles having pieces upto 1000, we sticked the puzzle to a cardsheet. Bigger puzzles do not break easily considering the pieces are not very delicate. So you can easily move puzzles having more than 1500 pieces or so..