Saturday, August 21, 2021

3D puzzles can be a pain in the neck !

A few weeks back I saw a 3D picture puzzle that my nephew had. Having seen such a 3D puzzle for the first time I was hooked ! I borrowed it from him and last week finally started putting it together. 

The puzzle is quite interesting and challenging and my family ended up playing with it whenever they could. They spending as much time as they did is a surprise in itself :)

Vital stats 

Pieces : 500

Time taken to complete : 4-5 days

Puzzle picture : 3D

At the start I thought we would have to look at the picture very closely to put the pieces together. I sorted the pieces with obvious colour differences.  However, as we worked on the puzzle edge, we realised that the pieces had so many colors and shades which couldn't be seen at a first glance. I actually ended up looking at the pieces from various angles before I could decide where a piece might fit. 

Due to lesser pieces in green trees and yellow of the Tiger's face, the picture started appearing quite quickly. For the rest, I had to sort the pieces by shape. Once that was done, we could complete the rest in just 2 days.

This 3D Tiger puzzle taught me that the 3D puzzles can be a pain in the neck 🐯!!

If anyone interested, Amazon has a few such 3D picture puzzles from National Geographic.

Despite the challenges of 3D picture and different color shades that you can see depending on the angle you look from, this is still the fastest puzzle we have put together so far.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Westminster Sunset

This one is an amazing painting by the artist Dominic Davison, converted into a puzzle. 

The scene is colorful and a bit challenging to put together for the same reason :) My mother completed almost entire puzzle single handedly. 

A beautiful, refreshing view of the sky with the reflections captured are amazing to look at. The bridges and transport vehicles, such less number of vehicles on the road remind me of my city, a few years back. It feels so laid back and peaceful to look at the scene. 

Westminster sunset

Vital stats 

Pieces : 1000

Time to complete : Less than a week

Saturday, May 29, 2021

CLIK puzzle 4

 Considering the response to my last blog, I had given feedback to CLIK. They have changed the puzzle format a bit more. 

Hope you enjoy it. :)

Here is the Puzzle 4

Post your answers in comments, as explained in my last blog

And then check the solution here.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Online Jigsaw puzzles

Since my last blog, things have drastically changed again. Everyone is feeling a lot of stress due to the Covid situation around and one has to have some way to relax a little bit.

CLIK, the puzzle room has proven that 'Where there is a will, there is a way !'. They have come up with a way to keep providing puzzles which can be solved by anyone anywhere anytime. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Cheerful Puzzles, Cheerful moments

One of my grandmothers Suman aji had given me a puzzle with picture of Fireworks when she came to meet my daughter for the first time.
It's a beautiful, colourful puzzle. 

Vital stats
Pieces : 500
Time to complete : Few days

Saturday, February 20, 2021

An opportunity for puzzle enthusiasts

At the beginning of Jan 2021, I heard of a new venture being started in Pune for jigsaw puzzle lovers - CLIK, the puzzle room. It's a club where one can join with small fee and enjoy playing with a variety of puzzles, on Saturdays.

Friday, February 19, 2021

The majestic castles

Sometime between 2015-2016, Shravani got a new puzzle. Knowing that we loved to play with puzzles and frame them, she had got one for her house :D.
It is Le Mont Saint Michel castle, Normandy, France with an amazing reflection of it. It was challenging due to many yet alike colours.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Monday, February 15, 2021

Remembering Harshad

When you loose any piece of a jigsaw puzzle, its place keeps reminding of that irreplaceable piece which once made that puzzle perfect. Even though you feel sad as you know you cant get that lost piece back, but the place still keeps reminding you of the times when everything was as great as possible.

At the start of 2015, it felt like a good idea to have a puzzle made of Harshad's photos.