A few weeks back I saw a 3D picture puzzle that my nephew had. Having seen such a 3D puzzle for the first time I was hooked ! I borrowed it from him and last week finally started putting it together.
The puzzle is quite interesting and challenging and my family ended up playing with it whenever they could. They spending as much time as they did is a surprise in itself :)
Vital stats
Pieces : 500
Time taken to complete : 4-5 days
Puzzle picture : 3D
At the start I thought we would have to look at the picture very closely to put the pieces together. I sorted the pieces with obvious colour differences. However, as we worked on the puzzle edge, we realised that the pieces had so many colors and shades which couldn't be seen at a first glance. I actually ended up looking at the pieces from various angles before I could decide where a piece might fit. Due to lesser pieces in green trees and yellow of the Tiger's face, the picture started appearing quite quickly. For the rest, I had to sort the pieces by shape. Once that was done, we could complete the rest in just 2 days.